
My rules of style / pt.2

Yes, finally, an illustration!

Haha, ok enough. Remember last time when I talked about my rules of style? Well, here's the second chapter or something like that.

As I said, my style is always evolving, that allows me to find inspiration anywhere and add some new rules to this series of posts, which will keep things a bit more interesting all the time. Here I go...

  • Get rid of tight/baggy clothes: Things are supposed to fit just right. Something too small will obviously make you look like your mom buys your clothes from the kids department. And something too big will also make you look like an idiot. We don't want that.
  • Look for a key piece each season: This is just essential. It's something I've been doing for like a year now. You need something essential for each season. For example, an unconstructed blazer, t-shirt or chinos for Spring/Summer; and maybe a nice coat, blazer or sweater for Fall/Winter.
  • Take care of your footwear: To be honest, I totally suck at this one. But, argh that's okay, I'll do it nice some day... The point is you should treat them right. Shoe trees are really helpful, they help to maintain their shape and make them look good.
  • Less is more: Always. Remember choose quality over quantity. Don't put a lot of effort to have a nice outfit.
And there you have part 2. Remember to have in mind all these 'rules'. I'll post more as soon as possible!

My rules of style / pt.1

Disclaimer: I'm not a fashion dictator, and no, I don't want to be a stylist either. This series of posts is supposed to help you find your style and make it personal, I guess (?)

So, let me tell you something. In the past, I used to buy a lot of stuff. Really, stupid things like destroyed denim and all that (yup, sorry). And now, I have to say, my style has evolved a little bit. Okay, it has evolved a lot actually.

I've learned a lot of things recently, so I'll be happy to share them with you. I call them 'my rules of style'...

  • Feel comfortable with your body. If you don't feel very confident, that will show immediately and it will make you look bad. So please, if you're feeling fat or ugly, do something about it.
  • Never try to mix more than 2 or 3 colors together. If you add more colors to your outfit's palette, you have more chances to go wrong. So please, don't do it. Unless you want to look like a walking canvas, or a clown.
  • 'All black everything' is not a trend. Ok, we all love wearing black, and yes it makes you look skinnier. But, it's just not a trend. As Jake Woolf from Four Pins said: "That shit is straight ridiculous. All black everything is about as trendy as a white T-shirt or raw denim. As long as people continue to make clothing in black, which has been happening since always, people will wear it." There you have it.
  • Create your own uniform. This is the best. Once you have an uniform, your life will be so much easier. It could be a nice fitted t-shirt + trousers + a nice jacket. For example, this season, my uniform is a plaid shirt + black jeans and chucks. You can wear anything that you feel comfortable in. But please make sure it looks good.
  • Have an icon. Steve McQueen, Alain Delon... There are lots of them. Follow someone that you think looks good on photos and try to emulate their style. For example, mine is Paul Newman, I admire his work and he always looked good and stylish.
  • Classics. Make sure you have great classic pieces in your wardrobe. Blue jeans, white shirts, black lace ups. They're timeless pieces and will work with anything else that you have.

And wohoo!! That's it for part 1. I hope you have in mind these rules when you're about to get dressed or when you're buying new clothes. They will really help you. Stay tuned for more!

Let's talk about Instagram...

Ahh, Instagram... The wonderful app to share photos of your meals daily life with people from all around the world. It's amazing and we all love it, no? I've been using it a lot lately, it's a little bit addictive.

I mean it's really useful when you don't feel like carrying your camera.
It's also great to keep up with people you admire (photographers, editors, etc.) and a really great way to get inspired.

But, how exactly do you become a good photographer on Instagram? How do you communicate with your audience? To be honest, I had no idea that Instagram could be a very powerful tool for bloggers and creative people. That's why I wanted to ask a super good photographer and very close friend, Jose Pablo Anleu some questions.

How did Instagram change the way you shoot?

It made me be even more aware of my surroundings. As a general rule, I try to keep my eyes open all the time everywhere I go, it's just my way of continuously seeking inspiration. Having something as simple as the camera in my phone with me all the time is perfect to capture everything that catches my eye, and thus, be more aware. To me, it's a visual diary of my everyday life.

What do you like about it?

Instagram is my favorite social media network. It lets me share with the world, in real time. And that community factor is what's so awesome about Instagram. To be able to see the world, in the palm of my hand, and connect right there, with so many different cultures and super talented individuals. And such wonderful sights! Instagram has democratized the way we think about photography now. It is about doing the BEST you can with something we all have.

What do you think about Instagram video?

I love it! Many people were skeptical at first, but I think it's awesome. I love filmmaking, so the challenge as well is to be able to tell something in the best way possible in 15 seconds. The
re's a saying that goes "A picture's worth a thousand words", well just imagine what a video can say! 

Do you have any tips on how to take better pictures with your phone?

LIGHT. Be aware of light. Try to understand how it falls on objects, and then position yourself or the elements accordingly, to make the best of it. People say it's horrible to shoot at noon when the sun is up highest but I think you just have to be careful to position your subject, because it can look incredible.

COMPOSITION IS EVERYTHING! It is what makes images aesthetically appealing, through the positioning of the elements in it, contrast between colors, textures, etc. Composition makes an image come alive.

Nighttime photography is difficult with a phone's camera. Make sure to keep the camera very steady (I never use flash) or prop yourself against a wall to help you. Also you can get a tripod and mount your phone on it. Another tip, sometimes the white balance at night is waaaay off and it just looks bad no matter what you do to fix it, so my tip for that would be... black and white! It makes night pics look not as bad.
Don't over edit. Less is MORE.

And what are some tips when it comes to sharing on social media? 

Stay true. Above everything else. Never take a picture just because you think it will help you get more likes or followers or because you want people to like you. We are all individuals so we all have our own stories to tell. And you'll find people will engage more when the emotion/intention behind the photos is authentic. Share who you are, what you love, what catches YOUR eye.

Do you think about your caption before uploading a picture?

I do! I love writing, so with my captions I try to set the mood I want to convey through a picture, and they reinforce each other, photo and words. Having a caption to go along with the photos, makes it so much more fun and it engages people in relating and engaging more. Also I like writing little stories to go with the photos I want to upload, it forces me to stay creating ideas.


And there you have it!! Really useful, isn't it? If this post didn't help you at all, then you need some serious help. Try using different apps and make sure that you find a signature filter (It actually took me a while to find mine, I'm still practicing though!!). 

That's it. I hope you liked it. Remember to have these tips in mind, and go take some photos!! Have a great day :)

P.S.: Here are some of my favorite users:
Frida Vega
Benjamin Bergh
Tim Melideo
Giselle Hernandez

P.P.S.: In case you're wondering, I mostly use VSCO Cam and Whitagram to edit my photos before I put them on Instagram.

The perfect fit.

We've talked about this piece already. Yeaaaaah, I know... The truth is, I'm kind of a sucker for jeans.

Why do I love jeans so much? Let me tell you, they're such a timeless piece, you can wear them with anything. A pair of jeans are like someone's best friends or something, no?

But... How exactly should you take care of this beloved item? And, how do you find the perfect fit for your body type? Well, right now, I'm about to share with you some things I've learned from my grandpa when it comes about jeans...
  • Jeans will always be there. They will never go out of style. They're an essential piece for your wardrobe (just like a white shirt and a good pair of shoes)
  • They stretch every time you wash them. And this is totally true, that's why you shouldn't wash them very often. And when you're about to buy a new pair, always buy them a size smaller than your fit (ex. if you're a 30, buy a pair that's 29) they will eventually stretch.
  • You should always choose the right length. Just like your regular trousers, you should consider the size of your shoes in order to create a look that is nicely proportioned.
  • Please don't wear destroyed denim. Do the world a favor and just don't buy that crap. Destroyed jeans look awful and people will think that you're trying too hard. If you happen to have a pair, throw them away, you'll thank me later.
  • Find the right fit for your body type. It doesn't really matter if your jeans look super cool and they're 'oh so great', if they don't look fit your body properly, they will make you look like an idiot. 
  • Send your jeans to a tailor. Yeah, sometimes it's necessary to hem your jeans to achieve the right fit that we all want!

And, that's it. Please have in my mind this piece of advice when you're about to buy new jeans, they will help you a lot. Believe me, I don't know why but my grandpa is alwaaaaays right. Always.

What about you? Do you have any other advice for buying jeans? Let me know!


PS: Sneakers by Valentino.